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How to Contribute

Thank you for your interest in contributing to our open source repositories on GitHub! Your contributions help us improve the services and make everyone's experience even better. Here's how you can get involved:

Hold Discussions​

The Discussion tab on the Functionland GitHub page can be used for general questions, feedback, raising bugs/feature requests, or discussions related to our projects. Feel free to engage with other community members and share your ideas or suggestions.

discussions tab on github

Submit an issue​

If you encounter a bug, have a feature request, or come across an explicit error, please submit an issue to the appropriate repository. Follow these guidelines for formatting the subject line:

  • For bugs: [BUG] - subject line
  • For feature requests: [Feature Request] - subject line
  • For explicit errors: [Error] - error message

Make sure to include which device you have (Lite or Lite Plus), app version number, what happened leading up to the issue, and the symptom you are experiencing. You can find logs under Settings -> Blox logs, please submit Go-Fula and Node logs if you can or applicable.

You can also follow the templates in Github to know what information to include in your post.

Submit a pull request (PR)​

We welcome contributions from the community! If you'd like to fix a bug, add a feature, or improve documentation, please submit a pull request. Make sure to follow our contribution guidelines and include a clear description of the changes you've made.

You can also follow the templates in Github to know what information to include in your post.

Choose the right repository​

When deciding where to submit your issue or PR, consider where you encountered the problem or want to make a change:

Please ensure that you submit your contribution to the appropriate repository based on where you experienced the issue or want to make a change. If you are unsure which repository to raise the concern in, start a Discussion thread so we can narrow down the problem!

Contribute to Fula docs​

Technical writers of any level are greatly appreciated. If you are considering contributing to the documentation, please take a look at our Styling and Writing guides to learn more about our writing styles.

Thank you for contributing to our projects and helping us build better software together!