Upload Manifestβ
Allows the user to upload a manifest to the chain so it's available to be stored.
Previous Steps:β
- Upload the file on IPFS and copy the file CID.
- Call the manifest/upload endpoint with the following request body:
Example Input:β
"seed": "//Alice",
"pool_id": 1,
"cid": "CIDTest1",
"manifest_metadata": {
"job": {
"work": "Storage",
"engine": "IPFS",
"uri": "CIDTest1"
- seed: the seed of the account uploader.
- replication_factor: the amount of times that file can be replicated.
- pool_id: the pool identifier where the file its going to be uploaded.
- manifest_metadata: the corresponding metadata of the manifest being uploaded.
Example Output:β
"uploader": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY",
"storage": [],
"manifest_metadata": {
"job": {
"engine": "IPFS",
"uri": "CIDTest1",
"work": "Storage"
"pool_id": 1
- uploader: the account of the file uploader.
- storage: the accounts that are storing the file currently (initialized as empty).
- manifest_metadata: the corresponding metadata of the manifest uploaded.
- pool_id: the pool identifier where the file its going to be uploaded.
Batch Upload Manifestβ
Allows the user to upload multiple manifest to the chain so theyβre available to be stored.
Previous Steps:β
- Upload the files on IPFS and copy the file CIDs.
- Call the manifest/batch_upload endpoint with the following request body:
Example Input:β
"seed": "//Alice",
"pool_id": [1,1],
"cid":["CIDTest2", "CIDTest3"],
"replication_factor": [2,3],
"manifest_metadata": [{
"job": {
"work": "Storage",
"engine": "IPFS",
"uri": "CIDTest1"
"job": {
"work": "Storage",
"engine": "IPFS",
"uri": "CIDTest2"
- seed: the seed of the account uploader.
- replication_factor: the amount of times that file can be replicated.
- pool_id: the pool identifier where the file its going to be uploaded.
- manifest_metadata: the corresponding metadata of the manifest being uploaded.
Example Output:β
"uploader": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY",
"pool_id": [1,1],
"manifest_metadata": [
"job": {
"engine": "IPFS",
"uri": "CIDTest1",
"work": "Storage"
"job": {
"engine": "IPFS",
"uri": "CIDTest2",
"work": "Storage"
- uploader: the account of the file uploader.
- manifest_metadata: the corresponding array of metadata of the manifests uploaded.
- pool_id: the array of pool identifiers where the file its going to be uploaded.
Store Manifestβ
Allows the user to store a specific manifest through the cid of a manifest.
Previous Steps:β
- Upload a manifest.
- Call the manifest/storage endpoint with the following request body:
Example Input:β
"seed": "//Bob"
"cid": "CIDTest1",
"pool_id": 1
- seed: the seed of the storage account.
- cid: the content identifier associated with the file uploaded.
- pool_id: the pool identifier where the file is uploaded.
Example Output:β
"storage": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
"cid": "CIDTest1",
"pool_id": 1
- storage: the account that's storing the file.
- cid: the content identifier of the manifest being stored.
- pool_id: the pool identifier where the file is uploaded.
Batch Store Manifestβ
Allows the user to store all the manifest he wants through the cids of those manifest.
Previous Steps:β
- Upload a manifest.
- Call the manifest/batch_storage endpoint with the following request body:
Example Input:β
"seed": "//Bob",
"pool_id": 1,
"cid": ["CIDTest1","CIDTest2"]
- seed: the seed of the storage account.
- cid: an array of the content identifiers associated with the files uploaded.
- pool_id: the pool identifier where the file is uploaded.
Example Output:β
"storer": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
"cid": ["CIDTest1","CIDTest2"]
"pool_id": 1
- storer: the account that's storing the file.
- cid: an array of the content identifiers associated with the files uploaded.
- pool_id: the pool identifier where the file is uploaded.
Get Availableβ
Fetches all the available manifests to be stored.
Previous Steps:β
- Upload a manifest.
- Call the manifest/available endpoint with the following request body:
Example Input:β
"pool_id": 1
- pool_id: the pool identifier where the file is uploaded.
Example Output:β
"manifests": [
"pool_id": 1,
"manifest_data": {
"manifest_metadata": {
"job": {
"engine": "IPFS",
"uri": "CIDTest1",
"work": "Storage"
"replication_available": 1
- manifests: an array of all the manifest that are available to be stored in that pool.
Get Allβ
Fetches all the manifest there are or those related to the parameters given as filter.
Previous Steps:β
- Upload a manifest.
- Call the manifest endpoint with the following request body:
Note: If you call the function with empty parameters: { }. This will bring all the manifest there are.
Example Input:β
"pool_id": 1,
- pool_id: the pool identifier where the files are uploaded.
- account: the account that uploaded the files.
Example Output:β
"manifests": [
"pool_id": 1,
"uploaders": [
"uploader": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY",
"storers": [],
"replication_available": 2
"manifest_metadata": {
"job": {
"engine": "IPFS",
"uri": "CIDTest1",
"work": "Storage"
- manifests: an array of all the manifest that were fetch according to the parameters given.
The uploader or admin can remove a manifest from the pool.
Previous Steps:β
- Upload a manifest.
- Call the manifest/remove endpoint with the following request body:
Example Input:β
"seed": "//Alice",
"cid": "CIDTest1",
"pool_id": 1
- seed: the seed of the account uploader.
- cid: the content identifier of the manifest being removed.
- pool_id: the pool identifier where the file is being removed.
Example Output:β
"uploader": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY",
"cid": "CIDTest1",
"pool_id": 1
- uploader: the account of the file uploader.
- cid: the content identifier of the manifest removed.
- pool_id: the pool identifier where the file was removed.
Batch Removeβ
The uploader or admin can remove a manifest from the pool.
Previous Steps:β
- Upload a manifest.
- Call the manifest/batch_remove endpoint with the following request body:
Example Input:β
"seed": "//Alice",
"pool_id": [1,1],
"cid": ["CIDTest1","CIDTest2"]
- seed: the seed of the storage account.
- cid: an array of the content identifiers associated with manifest being removed.
- pool_id: the pool identifier where the file is being removed.
Example Output:β
"uploader": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
"cid": ["CIDTest1","CIDTest2"],
"pool_id": [1,1],
- uploader: the account of the file uploader.
- cid: the array of content identifiers of the manifest removed.
- pool_id: the pool identifier where the file was removed.
Remove Stored Manifestβ
The storer can stop storing a given manifest
Previous Steps:β
- Upload a manifest.
- Store a manifest.
- Call the manifest/remove_storing_manifest endpoint with the following request body:
Example Input:β
"seed": "//Bob",
"cid": "CIDTest1",
"pool_id": 1
- seed: the seed of the account storer.
- cid: the content identifier of the manifest to no longer be stored.
- pool_id: the pool identifier.
Example Output:β
"storer": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
"cid": "CIDTest1",
"pool_id": 1
- storer: the account of the file storer.
- cid: the content identifier of the manifest no longer being stored.
- pool_id: the pool identifier.
Batch Remove Stored Manifestβ
The storer can stop storing the given manifests
Previous Steps:β
- Upload a manifest.
- Store a manifest.
- Call the manifest/batch_remove_storing_manifest endpoint with the following request body:
Example Input:β
"seed": "//Bob",
"cid": ["CIDTest1","CIDTest2"]
"pool_id": 1
- seed: the seed of the account storer.
- cid: the array of content identifiers of the manifests to no longer be stored.
- pool_id: the pool identifier.
Example Output:β
"storer": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
"cid": ["CIDTest1","CIDTest2"]
"pool_id": 1
- storer: the account of the file storer.
- cid: the array of content identifiers of the manifests no longer being stored.
- pool_id: the pool identifier.