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Upload Manifest​


Allows the user to upload a manifest to the chain so it's available to be stored.

Previous Steps:​

  1. Upload the file on IPFS and copy the file CID.


  1. Call the manifest/upload endpoint with the following request body:

Example Input:​

"seed": "//Alice",
"pool_id": 1,
"cid": "CIDTest1",
"manifest_metadata": {
"job": {
"work": "Storage",
"engine": "IPFS",
"uri": "CIDTest1"
  • seed: the seed of the account uploader.
  • replication_factor: the amount of times that file can be replicated.
  • pool_id: the pool identifier where the file its going to be uploaded.
  • manifest_metadata: the corresponding metadata of the manifest being uploaded.

Example Output:​

"uploader": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY",
"storage": [],
"manifest_metadata": {
"job": {
"engine": "IPFS",
"uri": "CIDTest1",
"work": "Storage"
"pool_id": 1
  • uploader: the account of the file uploader.
  • storage: the accounts that are storing the file currently (initialized as empty).
  • manifest_metadata: the corresponding metadata of the manifest uploaded.
  • pool_id: the pool identifier where the file its going to be uploaded.

Batch Upload Manifest​


Allows the user to upload multiple manifest to the chain so they’re available to be stored.

Previous Steps:​

  1. Upload the files on IPFS and copy the file CIDs.


  1. Call the manifest/batch_upload endpoint with the following request body:

Example Input:​

"seed": "//Alice",
"pool_id": [1,1],
"cid":["CIDTest2", "CIDTest3"],
"replication_factor": [2,3],
"manifest_metadata": [{
"job": {
"work": "Storage",
"engine": "IPFS",
"uri": "CIDTest1"
"job": {
"work": "Storage",
"engine": "IPFS",
"uri": "CIDTest2"
  • seed: the seed of the account uploader.
  • replication_factor: the amount of times that file can be replicated.
  • pool_id: the pool identifier where the file its going to be uploaded.
  • manifest_metadata: the corresponding metadata of the manifest being uploaded.

Example Output:​

"uploader": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY",
"pool_id": [1,1],
"manifest_metadata": [
"job": {
"engine": "IPFS",
"uri": "CIDTest1",
"work": "Storage"
"job": {
"engine": "IPFS",
"uri": "CIDTest2",
"work": "Storage"
  • uploader: the account of the file uploader.
  • manifest_metadata: the corresponding array of metadata of the manifests uploaded.
  • pool_id: the array of pool identifiers where the file its going to be uploaded.

Store Manifest​


Allows the user to store a specific manifest through the cid of a manifest.

Previous Steps:​

  1. Upload a manifest.


  1. Call the manifest/storage endpoint with the following request body:

Example Input:​

"seed": "//Bob"
"cid": "CIDTest1",
"pool_id": 1
  • seed: the seed of the storage account.
  • cid: the content identifier associated with the file uploaded.
  • pool_id: the pool identifier where the file is uploaded.

Example Output:​

"storage": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
"cid": "CIDTest1",
"pool_id": 1
  • storage: the account that's storing the file.
  • cid: the content identifier of the manifest being stored.
  • pool_id: the pool identifier where the file is uploaded.

Batch Store Manifest​


Allows the user to store all the manifest he wants through the cids of those manifest.

Previous Steps:​

  1. Upload a manifest.


  1. Call the manifest/batch_storage endpoint with the following request body:

Example Input:​

"seed": "//Bob",
"pool_id": 1,
"cid": ["CIDTest1","CIDTest2"]
  • seed: the seed of the storage account.
  • cid: an array of the content identifiers associated with the files uploaded.
  • pool_id: the pool identifier where the file is uploaded.

Example Output:​

"storer": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
"cid": ["CIDTest1","CIDTest2"]
"pool_id": 1
  • storer: the account that's storing the file.
  • cid: an array of the content identifiers associated with the files uploaded.
  • pool_id: the pool identifier where the file is uploaded.

Get Available​


Fetches all the available manifests to be stored.

Previous Steps:​

  1. Upload a manifest.


  1. Call the manifest/available endpoint with the following request body:

Example Input:​

"pool_id": 1
  • pool_id: the pool identifier where the file is uploaded.

Example Output:​

"manifests": [
"pool_id": 1,
"manifest_data": {
"manifest_metadata": {
"job": {
"engine": "IPFS",
"uri": "CIDTest1",
"work": "Storage"
"replication_available": 1
  • manifests: an array of all the manifest that are available to be stored in that pool.

Get All​


Fetches all the manifest there are or those related to the parameters given as filter.

Previous Steps:​

  1. Upload a manifest.


  1. Call the manifest endpoint with the following request body:

Note: If you call the function with empty parameters: { }. This will bring all the manifest there are.

Example Input:​

"pool_id": 1,
  • pool_id: the pool identifier where the files are uploaded.
  • account: the account that uploaded the files.

Example Output:​

"manifests": [
"pool_id": 1,
"uploaders": [
"uploader": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY",
"storers": [],
"replication_available": 2
"manifest_metadata": {
"job": {
"engine": "IPFS",
"uri": "CIDTest1",
"work": "Storage"
  • manifests: an array of all the manifest that were fetch according to the parameters given.



The uploader or admin can remove a manifest from the pool.

Previous Steps:​

  1. Upload a manifest.


  1. Call the manifest/remove endpoint with the following request body:

Example Input:​

"seed": "//Alice",
"cid": "CIDTest1",
"pool_id": 1
  • seed: the seed of the account uploader.
  • cid: the content identifier of the manifest being removed.
  • pool_id: the pool identifier where the file is being removed.

Example Output:​

"uploader": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY",
"cid": "CIDTest1",
"pool_id": 1
  • uploader: the account of the file uploader.
  • cid: the content identifier of the manifest removed.
  • pool_id: the pool identifier where the file was removed.

Batch Remove​


The uploader or admin can remove a manifest from the pool.

Previous Steps:​

  1. Upload a manifest.


  1. Call the manifest/batch_remove endpoint with the following request body:

Example Input:​

"seed": "//Alice",
"pool_id": [1,1],
"cid": ["CIDTest1","CIDTest2"]
  • seed: the seed of the storage account.
  • cid: an array of the content identifiers associated with manifest being removed.
  • pool_id: the pool identifier where the file is being removed.

Example Output:​

"uploader": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
"cid": ["CIDTest1","CIDTest2"],
"pool_id": [1,1],
  • uploader: the account of the file uploader.
  • cid: the array of content identifiers of the manifest removed.
  • pool_id: the pool identifier where the file was removed.

Remove Stored Manifest​


The storer can stop storing a given manifest

Previous Steps:​

  1. Upload a manifest.
  2. Store a manifest.


  1. Call the manifest/remove_storing_manifest endpoint with the following request body:

Example Input:​

"seed": "//Bob",
"cid": "CIDTest1",
"pool_id": 1
  • seed: the seed of the account storer.
  • cid: the content identifier of the manifest to no longer be stored.
  • pool_id: the pool identifier.

Example Output:​

"storer": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
"cid": "CIDTest1",
"pool_id": 1
  • storer: the account of the file storer.
  • cid: the content identifier of the manifest no longer being stored.
  • pool_id: the pool identifier.

Batch Remove Stored Manifest​


The storer can stop storing the given manifests

Previous Steps:​

  1. Upload a manifest.
  2. Store a manifest.


  1. Call the manifest/batch_remove_storing_manifest endpoint with the following request body:

Example Input:​

"seed": "//Bob",
"cid": ["CIDTest1","CIDTest2"]
"pool_id": 1
  • seed: the seed of the account storer.
  • cid: the array of content identifiers of the manifests to no longer be stored.
  • pool_id: the pool identifier.

Example Output:​

"storer": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
"cid": ["CIDTest1","CIDTest2"]
"pool_id": 1
  • storer: the account of the file storer.
  • cid: the array of content identifiers of the manifests no longer being stored.
  • pool_id: the pool identifier.