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File API (Object Store)

File API provides an interface-like object store for you to upload files and streams (eg. photos, videos or any type of document) and efficiently retrieve them for use in your web/mobile DApp.

File protocol is based on object stores. When you upload something, a CID is created and returned to you and the file gets stored in an IPFS compatible datastore.



sendFile(File) => Promise<FileId>

sendFile will take a File as an argument and return a Promise. If the upload completes successfully, a Promise will return a FileId that is a string representing the CID of uploaded content.


import {Fula, createClient} from '@functionland/fula';

const fulaClient = await createClient();
await fulaClient.connect(serverId);
const selectedFile = document.getElementById('input').files[0];
const id = await fulaClient.sendFile(selectedFile);


sendStreamFile(source, meta) => Promise<FileId>

sendStreamFile will take a source and meta as argument and return a Promise. If upload is done successfully, a Promise will return a FileId that is a string representing the CID of uploaded content. (This is useful when you're working with stream or outside the browser.)

  • source: AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>
  • meta: {name,type,lastModified,size}


import {Fula, createClient} from '@functionland/fula';

const fulaClient = await createClient();
await fulaClient.connect(serverId);
export async function* fileToAsyncItrable(file:File) {
const reader = (;
while (true) {
const {value, done} = await;
if (done) {
yield value;
const selectedFile = document.getElementById('input').files[0];
const id = await fulaClient.sendStreamFile(fileToAsyncItrable(selectedFile),
type: selectedFile.type,
size: selectedFile.size,
lastModified: selectedFile.lastModified



(fileId: FileId) => Promise<File>

receiveFile will take FileId and return Promise. if file retrieved successfully Promise return a File

  • fileId: FileId


import {Fula, createClient} from '@functionland/fula';

const fulaClient = await createClient();
await fulaClient.connect(serverId);
const data = await fulaClient.receiveFile(fileId);


(fileId: FileId) => Promise<Meta>

receiveMeta will take FileId and return Promise. if meta for the file retrieved successfully Promise return a Meta

  • fileId: FileId


import {Fula, createClient} from '@functionland/fula';

const fulaClient = await createClient();
await fulaClient.connect(serverId);
const {name, type, size, lastModified} = await fulaClient.receiveMeta(fileId);


(fileId: FileId) => Promise<{ source: AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>, meta: Meta }>

receiveStreamFile will take FileId and return a Promise. If the FileId exists, a Promise will return a { source: AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>, meta: Meta }

That source is a stream of content of the file and Meta is the Meta. (This is useful when you're working with a stream or outside of the browser.)

  • fileId: FileId


import {Fula, createClient} from '@functionland/fula';

const fulaClient = await createClient();
await fulaClient.connect(serverId);
const {source, meta} = await fulaClient.receiveStreamFile(fileId);
const {name, type, size, lastModified} = meta;
const content: Array<Uint8Array> = [];
for await (const chunk of source) {
const blob = new Blob(content, {type})

WIP Alert

Please note: these instructions remain a work in progress as we continue to evolve, refine and perfect the Fula API. Make sure to check back soon for more details!